A large part of our business is advising those persons who are asked to be the personal representative or executor of an estate. We also help those who have a claim or need help handling a dispute in the probate process.

A personal representative or executor of an estate has a number of duties. Detailed information McClellan Law Office provides to those persons appointed in such capacity can be found at this page as well as detailed information about the probate process.

● Probate is not always necessary when a person has passed away and left property. If the value of an estate is small (under $25,000 as an example) the estate may be handled outside of filing for probate in a court. Contact McClellan Law Office for more information.

● We have been involved in many cases involving Medicaid Estate Recovery and can help you with the process and make sure that the estate is being protected.

McClellan Law Office helps the appointed personal representative or executor in several capacities during the estate administration or probate process.

We advise the executor, or personal representative, as needed. The person appointed can take on as much of the duties as desired. Or we can take a more active role by paying taxes and debts, selling assets, and distributing property as directed by the Will.

We have experience in all aspects of the probate process and stand to help anyone appointed personal representative or executor providing need guidance and help on a flexible basis and will work to keep attorney fees to the estate at a reasonable level.

Contact Us For a Free Consultation. We offer appointments in the evening and on weekends.

(Important disclaimers on use of the internet to contact McClellan Law Office: 1) The contact through this method does not form a client/lawyer relationship or mean we agree to represent you at this time; 2) Also, even if you use this contact form we will not be prevented from representing a party adverse to your interests; and 3) We cannot guarantee that information provided by this method will remain confidential by using this form - so use general information in asking a question or request an in-person meeting or telephone conference.)

3839 South 148th Street, Suite 160, Omaha, NE 68144

(402) 344-8044 - McClellan Law Office, L.L.C.

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McClellan Law Office

Contact Information

McClellan Law Office, L.L.C.

3839 South 148th Street,

Suite 160, Omaha, NE 68144

(402) 344-8044

(402) 769-2025 (fax)

Click here! To email Mr. McClellan